Recently I worked on a project where all member data was being managed through a third party member management service, provided by a company named Avectra. The product does more than manage member data from the looks of things, but all I cared about was interaction with the member management API.
I had to authenticate against an external data source, as well as query the data source for member information when needed. Avectra does have a web service API which it has named xWeb. Here is a quote from their Wiki:
xWeb is netFORUM’s XML web services application. netFORUM is an enterprise level Association Management System (AMS) developed by Avectra that allows associations to manage their customers and related activities. netFORUM is used by association staff, members, and the public at large.
Interacting with the API
After a successful authentication with Avectra, the authenticated user is presented with a token that they pass along with API requests. Pretty standard stuff. The Wiki does an ok job of explaining authentication and login (two different things), therefore I’ll jump right to the good stuff. If you’re stuck on authentication/weblogin please let me know.
For interacting with the API I created a class file to abstract, at least to a small degree, some of the details of consuming the service. Here it is:
<?php/* * @author: Jason Leveille * Provides access to avectra web services */classAvectra{//Avectra organization api username and password (not member username/password) to access web servicesprivate$user='user';private$pass='password';//Avectra paths to xweb and eweb. This is handy so that you can easily switch back and fourth between dev and productionprivate$xweb='';private$eweb='';/** * Grabs data associated with a member based on customer key / token * @param $cst_key Customer Key to search on */publicfunctiongetMemberDataByKey($cst_key){if(empty($cst_key)){returnfalse;}$memberData=sprintf('https://%s:%s@%snetFORUMXML.asmx/GetIndividualInformation?IndividualKey=%s',$this->user,$this->pass,$this->xweb,$cst_key);//The simplest solution is to call simplexml_load_file directly, however this was causing issues on Solaris 10, php 5.2. Didn't have time to investigate, so I went with load_string//return simplexml_load_file($memberData);$data=simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($memberData));//make sure that the returned xml file actually contains dataif(empty($data->IndividualObject[0]->eml_address)){returnfalse;}return$data;}/** * Grabs data associated with a member based on member email * @param $email Member email to search on */publicfunctiongetMemberDataByEmail($email){if(empty($email)){returnfalse;}$memberData=sprintf('https://%s:%s@%snetFORUMXML.asmx/GetQuery?szObjectName=%s&szColumnList=%s&szWhereClause=%s&szOrderBy=%s',$this->user,$this->pass,$this->xweb,'Individual','ind_first_name, ind_last_name, cst_org_name_dn, adr_city, adr_state, eml_address',sprintf("eml_address = '%s'",$email),"ind_last_name");returnsimplexml_load_file($memberData);}/** * Grabs the url of the avectra eweb application */publicfunctiongetEwebUrl(){return$this->eweb;}}?>
So, for example, to retrieve data about a specific member, and to store that data in session variables for later use, your code might look similar to the following:
<?phpfunctionlogin_success($cst_key=null){if(!$cst_key){//set error message and redirect}//ensure clean referer data$original_referer=$this->clean->stripScripts($this->params['url']['ref']);//Avectra object//include avectra class file, for example, in CakePHPApp::import('Vendor','Avectra');$avectra=newAvectra();//ensure a clean customer key$cst_key=$this->clean->stripScripts($cst_key);//if we successfully load the associated user dataif($data=$avectra->getMemberDataByKey($cst_key)){$data=$data->IndividualObject[0];$this->Session->write("Member.memberId",$this->clean->stripScripts($data->eml_address));$this->Session->write("Member.firstName",$this->clean->stripScripts($data->ind_first_name));$this->Session->write("Member.lastName",$this->clean->stripScripts($data->ind_last_name));$this->Session->write("",$this->clean->stripScripts($data->eml_address));$this->Session->write("Member.location",$this->clean->stripScripts($data->adr_city.', '.$data->adr_state));$this->Session->write("Member.loggedIn",1);$this->Session->write("Member.customerKey",$cst_key);//indicate successful login and redirect to original referrer}else{//set error message and redirect}}?>
The SOAP Alternative
The Avectra Wiki examples are slanted heavily in the direction of SOAP, however in this instance I just thought it was overkill. I figured the response was going to come back in XML, so I would just use simplexml_load_file and pass in the URI. The application lives with Solaris 10 and PHP 5.2. For some reason simplexml_load_file was failing under certain boundary cases that I couldn’t quite pin down. This was an easy fix as I just used simplexml_load_string and file_get_contents to retrieve the xml response. An extra step, but it seemed to solve whatever the issue was that I was having. So, all I needed to do was make sure that I had the properly constructed URI, and that I could authenticate. Authentication is simply handled by sending in the username:password combination as part of the request.